Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Aftermath of Ice Storm: a peek out the window

K-State Closed Today Due to Ice Storm

MANHATTAN - Kansas State University's Manhattan and Salina campuses are closed today due to inclement weather and downed tree limbs on campus. Normal schedules will resume Wednesday morning.

Provost Duane Nellis, in consultation with Faculty Senate leaders, has arranged for finals scheduled during the day Tuesday to move to Saturday; and for finals scheduled Tuesday night to move to Friday night. The residence halls will remain open an extra day to allow for the Saturday finals.

"President Jon Wefald and I discussed the weather conditions, with the storm predicted to continue through today," said Tom Rawson, vice president for administration and finance. "We are concerned that tree damage and falling tree limbs could be hazardous for people walking on campus."

The safety of our students and employees is paramount, Rawson said.

Nellis said, "I am asking faculty to be as flexible as possible in making reasonable accommodation for students with Tuesday finals who would suffer hardship if they are required to change transportation plans in order to take their final."

Gary Leitnaker, assistant vice president for human resources, said employees who are involved with housing, feeding and the safety of students and campus buildings should report to work if possible. All other employees may stay home.
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