But, at least I told my boss about it, so it is still a possibility.
Meanwhile, feeling accomplished....I went to Yahoo! and created a couple of groups related to this. One for SWC86 and the other for Zoo90 ;D
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I've been here a week, and I've yet to have a decent cup of morning coffee. Been using bags from an old box of "Maxwell House Coffee Single" that I had come across while packing, which I had set aside incase I didn't get the coffee maker set up or it didn't survive the move.
Well, it did survive, so the only thing missing was my coffee container and, more important, coffee filters. So, this morning I made it my mission to find these elusive items, especially since finding out that I had bought the wrong kind during a recent shopping expedition (if you don't know, I don't drive...not since the accident, where as I laid in the second ambulance trip, to a bigger, university, hospital... unable to move, I heard some people talking about some concern around C4! But later I was able to walk, more or less, out of the hospital... :).
Well, I tore through every single box in sight and started looking in boxes that I had labelled as clearly not what I was looking for. I should have specifically labeled this box as having the coffee stuff, but I got sloppy at the end. :o I didn't find it, started to wonder if a box had gotten lost... settled on having another Coffee Single morning. :'(
Later when I was sitting on the toilet, which having my morning coffee does. :p. I notice a box I had missed sitting by the washing machine, I recognized that it was a found box (having run out during the packing process) and realized that it was a box I would have labeled 'FOOD'! Well, there they are! Unfortunately, something in the box didn't survive the move and everying was kind of sticky. Apparently, a packet of instant miso soup had ruptured. The movers seemed to like turning my boxes upside down, even the ones plastered on which way was up! They also stacked boxes in whatever orientation they wanted, even boxes that shouldn't (like boxes with handle holes containing stuff that was loose...did probably lose a few loose items this way.)
The only bad thing is that I don't recall coming across the box with my extra AA batteries. Guess I'll once again have to buy some more, even though I should have tons somewhere.
Well, I was planning on making two more expeditions today....
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...phone cable!
The bad thing was during packing, I was finding so many that I was just throwing them out at the end.
But the new place doesn't have a wall jack, so I need a cord for my phone.
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...among other perhaps more important ones.
But, my new living room is either too big or my 43" DLP RPTV is too small! :o
What is more pressing is how should run things for my internet access. :?
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And I haven't worked out where everything will go yet.... :o
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With the flight into MCI being so punctual, and my bags being among the first to hit the baggage carosel... I was able to make the call to KCIRoadRunner and get out for (almost) immediate pickup to be on my way to my new home!
Otherwise, I was expecting to hear that there might a couple hour wait before the couple of hours+ to get through to Manhattan and home.
Still haven't any idea what I'll do there yet...for things like supper, etc. Wonder how much will be open tomorrow for other shopping?
Guess as long as I can work a nice crash in... getting some curtains would be nice, to this end. :o
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As I was waiting for the shuttle to the airport, I got notification that my flight would be delayed an hour already.
I did already have a guess that there would be major delays at ORD.
At check-in they put me on an earlier flight via DFW. :)
Should also get into MCI earlier!
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Looks like I just played the stumping game, and won!
The game is where you pay a bill with a clearly significant amount, which implies "keep the change". And, the waitress can't figure out how much change to give you back...
IE: today's bill came to $25+change, and I left $31. ;D
Now to call a cab, so I can go some where nice to crash.
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There's trouble brewing!
Three more pieces to go, but they are rearranging the load....
When will this day end... I'm in need of a shower and bed .z.z.z. And a few Advils would be nice as well. 8-)
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Looks like we are coming up on the home stretch. They have wrapped my mattresses up in plastic. This something no other move has done, maybe there's a future for this company... ...except as I already said, I don't plan on there ever being another move for me! ;)
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I guess somebody else here in Ohio is a Canadian!
Meanwhile, I just watched the movers push their truck out of the way of blocking somebody in! Now to see if they can get it back, and finish the load.
Seems the truck requires a push start!?!
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...tonight, after the movers take all my lamps! :)
Guess that sets my revised plan....
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I never noticed before that the neighbor below me has a wall AC unit in their livingroom window, before. I guess I didn't get out much (at all) during my unemployment.
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...it is probably a/some hungry chicks, perhaps the ones in the nest featured on my phlog.
Guess all the moving today is keeping mom away :(
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Maybe I'll have to revise my evening plans. Though I would think that my hotel reservation is safe since I charged it to American Express, at least I'm pretty sure that I did.
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And not just because I'm going to be way over estimate and budget, or that the next one will probably cost me a small fortune in new boxes.
But moving is a pain in general.
Maybe I need to shoot for winning the lottery so that I can secure ownership of my home there... and at least enough to basically live out my days there.
Meanwhile, the place is starting to look really big and empty. Which might be a bad thing, because the new place didn't seem all that big....
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I knew it was somewhere. But I just couldn't find it.
Didn't think to look behind my bedroom door...which I don't think I've ever closed in all the time I've lived here.
Now I can throw it out.
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...at Steak n Shake, again.
And, then I'm not sure... probably just a really quick look over and then hail a cab for the hotel I'll be spending the next two nights until my final trip to Manhattan.
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Turns out the last truck is also a move out. Just a rental where the driver really wanted to get close.
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Just spotted my fourth moving truck today, and that's just the area visible from my apartment.
Though this last one seems to be going the other direction. Not sure if more out than in is a good thing or not. Though I know the other out from my building is a local move, because the person was moving some of his own stuff... and it didn't take long for him to make a trip.
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Aside from today being Canada Day... Independence Day is just around the corner, and with luck that will be the day the movers get me into my new place...minimizing the amount of time I'll have to sleep (and live) in an empty place. ;D
Normally, if I'm lucky I can see some fireworks through the trees behind my apartment. I wonder how they celebrate things in Manhattan?
OTOH, I suspect it being close to a University there'll be lots of people setting of fireworks late at night. It happens here, and we aren't that close. The University factor is that there'll probably be more of it.
Wonder what I'll have in the way of window covers, if any.
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Boy am I email/cellphone blogging a lot today. Wonder if I should see about adding the capability to my main blog?
But looks like the move will take a while. There are only two people doing the move. The other move from here had four people working that move. Plus that was from a second floor apartment, I'm in a third floor apartment.
The move in should hopefully go better, it is only a half story up. I had decided that I didn't want top floor this time around... But, I didn't like how close the lower floor windows were from the ground (lower floor is half story down, which worked because the building is built on a hill with street and parking 'above'.)
I guess the only thing that worries me about that is the more cramped floorplan.
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....shortly after I hit send, I hear this truck coming. It's them!
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Well, I don't....
And I'm getting really annoyed!
...more to follow...
since the matter resolved, and the way that it did.... I don't feel like writing anything more on this.
But, the lateness was justified and I thought things went better than expected....
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It has always seemed off that the outlet by the sink in one bathroom wasn't a GFCI. Turns out that it is downstream of the outlet in the other bathroom, so it was probably overkill that I had a plug in unit...
This led me to check out the kitchen plugs, there are three counter plugs...and only two are GFCI, as expected one of them was linked to the GFCI next to it... Then I wondered about the plug on the other side of the sink... It is tied to the GFCI on the other side of the oven... Kind of distant, but I guess it makes sense in a lazy kind of way.
Wonder how things will be in my new place?
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What's interesting about right now is that it is pretty cool in my apartment right now, and I don't recall the AC having been on since I got up this morning.
Probably largely due to all the normal stuff not running right now. Hmm, the fridge just started running. Guess it is warm enough inside there to need it, even though I turned way up(?) since there is now hardly anything in there.
Meanwhile, I'm now finding out typing on the keypad of my BB7100t... Finding it rather annoying how it consistantly gets stuff wrong, or at the last second completely makes the word wrong...
There is a plan to eventually replace this device with something else, though I don't know with what yet. Kind of depends on whether I'll be changing carriers due to my move.... There might also be other reasons.
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A couple days ago the mover's dispatcher called to say they couldn't make it until late on June 30th, and asked it 9am on July 1st would be alright. I said it would be.
Come this morning at 9... No movers!? 9:i30... 10.... So I go into my suitcase to dig out there number to find out what is going on. They said they would call the driver and get back to me. Suddenly it is 11:30 and still no movers. So I call again. Dispatch recognized my name, and said there had been no answer when then tried calling the driver and assumed they were close or something. She said she would call again and get back to me. This time she did call back, but to say that it would be about 3 hours before the truck would arrive.
Guess I'll go to Steak n Shake for lunch (again, had supper there last night). Maybe starting late will be better for them.... The other move out for my same building might be done by then, and maybe there'll be fewer cars parked out front. Though it is Saturday... So fewer people might be going out. Yesterday the front parking was deserted...
Oh well, off to lunch... Since all the open access points around here seem to have gone away...
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